Honesty, Accountability, Customer Focused

Pub­lic Util­i­ty Dis­trict No. 1 of Klick­i­tat Coun­ty is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing safe, reli­able, and afford­able util­i­ty ser­vices. We strive to keep our costs as low as pos­si­ble while main­tain­ing sound busi­ness prac­tices. We work for you.

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Computer illustration showcasing the Klickitat PUD website. Includes a keyboard, mouse, and magnifying glass. Text encourages exploring the redesigned site.

The Latest From KPUD

Klickitat PUD Leadership Change

Press Release: March 11, 2025 Gen­er­al Man­ag­er Jim Smith is no longer with Klick­i­tat PUD effec­tive March 4, 2025. The Com­mis­sion­ers wish Mr. Smith the best in the future. In Jan­u­ary, the KPUD board appoint­ed …

New Klickitat PUD Website!

KPUD has been hard at work find­ing the best way to bring our cus­tomers the lat­est and great­est online expe­ri­ence. We invite you to explore all the options and pro­grams that may not have been …

February — Operation Warm Heart Promotion

Spread the LOVE, Donate to Oper­a­tion Warm Heart! The month of Feb­ru­ary, KPUD is pro­mot­ing our in-house ener­gy assis­tance pro­gram. Con­sid­er enrolling in “round up” for your month­ly bill or mak­ing a lump sum dona­tion …

Efficient Living

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Klick­i­tat PUD has part­nered with Alle­giant Util­i­ty Ser­vices, Inc. to install advanced meters (AMI meters) that record and trans­mit ener­gy usage dai­ly via a secure two-way wire­less net­work, keep­ing your infor­ma­tion con­fi­den­tial and your usage up to date.

Fine-Tune Your Comfort

Klick­i­tat PUD part­ners with Gen­er­al Pacif­ic for dis­counts on Smart Ther­mostats! Enjoy instant rebates with no paper­work. Order through the web­site, and Gen­er­al Pacif­ic will ship your ther­mo­stat. This offer is valid only as fund­ing allows.

Save Money & Reduce Energy Use

Every action you take—from flip­ping a switch to upgrad­ing lighting—can save you and your neigh­bors mon­ey. Small changes or larg­er invest­ments reduce ener­gy use, ben­e­fit­ing your wal­let and fos­ter­ing a sus­tain­able com­mu­ni­ty for a brighter future.

At Your Service Since 1938

0Miles of Line
0Water Sys­tems
0Waste­water Sys­tems