Water/Wastewater Service

Abstract underwater scene with shimmering bubbles and turquoise hues.

The Water Depart­ment of the PUD con­tin­u­al­ly strives to improve the water treat­ment process and pro­tect your water resources. They are com­mit­ted to ensur­ing the qual­i­ty of your drink­ing water, and are pleased to report that our drink­ing water meets fed­er­al and state require­ments.

For new res­i­den­tial water and/or sew­er con­nec­tions, cus­tomers may con­tact the Water/Wastewater Depart­ment online or call 509–773-7631 for site approval for the con­nec­tion.  Cus­tomers will need to pro­vide KPUD the address and par­cel num­ber of the prop­er­ty where ser­vice is request­ed.

An appli­ca­tion will need to be com­plet­ed and can be request­ed at 509–773-7631. Pro­ceed­ing the appli­ca­tion a site vis­it will be required before ser­vices are installed.

Rates and con­nec­tion fee infor­ma­tion can be found here: Water/Wastewater Rates

Once pay­ment is received and customer’s site is ready for the con­nec­tion, our W‑WW Depart­ment will sched­ule a time to com­plete the process.

Cus­tomers inter­est­ed in com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al accounts need to con­tact us at 509–773-7631 for more infor­ma­tion on how to pro­ceed.