Water/Wastewater Rates

Understand Your Water and Sewer Bill

Klick­i­tat PUD’s 9 inde­pen­dent water sys­tems are billed a base fee plus as water usage fee. The water usage fee is cal­cu­lat­ed based on actu­al usage per 1,000 gal­lons. To encour­age con­ser­va­tion, we uti­lize a tiered rate struc­ture. Rates and fees dif­fer depend­ing on the water/sewer sys­tem. The blocks for water usage are as fol­lows:

  • Block 1: 0–8,000 gal­lons for aver­age house­hold
  • Block 2: 8,001–20,000 gal­lons for aver­age house­hold with lawn or gar­den.
  • Block 3: 20,001 < sig­nif­i­cant addi­tion­al water­ing for irri­ga­tion, swim­ming pool, etc.

Klick­i­tat PUD owns and oper­ates 9 inde­pen­dent water sys­tems and 5 waste­water sys­tems. The water sys­tems include:  Bick­le­ton, Glen­wood, Klick­i­tat, Lyle, Pon­derosa Park, Rim­rock, Roo­sevelt, Wishram and Cliffs. The waste­water sys­tems include:  Glen­wood, Klick­i­tat, Lyle, Roo­sevelt and Wishram.  Each sys­tem under­goes a bud­get review annu­al­ly to ensure oper­at­ing and cap­i­tal expens­es are iden­ti­fied and rate rev­enue sup­port suf­fi­cient funds to cov­er sys­tem oper­a­tions and improve­ments.

Water/Wastewater Rates, Fees, and Charges, Effec­tive 5/31/24

Klick­i­tat PUD oper­ates the Dalle­sport Indus­tri­al Park water sys­tem on behalf of the Port of Klick­i­tat. This part­ner­ship was estab­lished in 2008. This is a non-com­mu­ni­ty pub­lic sys­tem that pro­vides water to ten­ants of the Dalle­sport Indus­tri­al Park and adja­cent prop­er­ties.

Port of Klickitat/Dallesport Indus­tri­al Rate, Effec­tive 1/1/25

Klick­i­tat PUD oper­ates the Dalle­sport Waste­water sys­tem on behalf of Klick­i­tat Coun­ty for Dalle­sport cus­tomers. This oper­at­ing agree­ment has been in place since 2008.

Dalle­sport Sew­er Rate and Con­nec­tion Charges, Effec­tive 5/31/24

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