Start Residential Service

A man's hands are seen signing papework

To ini­ti­ate ser­vices with Klick­i­tat PUD, you may call or vis­it our Gold­en­dale or White Salmon Office. KPUD requires full name, Social Secu­ri­ty num­bers (or equiv­a­lent), and dates of birth for all respon­si­ble indi­vid­u­als. This infor­ma­tion will be used to val­i­date iden­ti­ty and cred­it­wor­thi­ness through a third-par­ty proces­sor.

If a deposit is required, new cus­tomers must pay at least half upfront before ser­vice trans­fer, with the remain­ing bal­ance includ­ed in the first bill. Deposit amounts are based on the two high­est bills from the pre­vi­ous two years, with a min­i­mum deposit of $150.

To avoid the deposit, a co-sign­er (an exist­ing KPUD cus­tomer with at least two years of good pay­ment his­to­ry) can guar­an­tee pay­ment. The co-sign­er must sign and nota­rize a form com­mit­ting to the new cus­tomers bills until they have 12 con­sec­u­tive months of on-time pay­ments.