Start Commercial Service

A neatly arranged grid of identical electric meters mounted on a wall, each showcasing digital displays and identification labels.

A secu­ri­ty deposit is required for all new com­mer­cial accounts, based on the high­est two months of ser­vice at the loca­tion. New cus­tomers must pay at least half of the deposit upfront before ser­vice trans­fer, with the remain­ing bal­ance includ­ed in the first bill. The min­i­mum deposit varies based on ser­vice size: Small Gen­er­al or Medi­um Gen­er­al = $200, Large Gen­er­al or Irri­ga­tion = $500.

The deposit can be waived with an annu­al pre­pay­ment, per­for­mance bond, or oth­er approved pay­ment guar­an­tee form.

We require tax ID num­bers for busi­ness enti­ties, as well as the name, Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber, and date of birth for all respon­si­ble indi­vid­u­als.