Energy Assistance Programs

Klick­i­tat PUD cus­tomer ser­vice staff will work with cus­tomers to help cus­tomers receive ener­gy assis­tance, estab­lish rea­son­able pay­ment arrange­ment or agree to a bud­get pay­ment plan. Klick­i­tat PUD reminds cus­tomers the time to seek assis­tance and arrange­ments is before dis­con­nect. Con­tact KPUD cus­tomer ser­vice or call 800–548-8357 or 800–548-8358 to dis­cuss options. SmartHub can also be used. View all billing and pay­ment options.

Washington Gorge Action program logoWashington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP)

Klick­i­tat PUD part­ners with WAGAP to help cus­tomers in need of ener­gy assis­tance. WAGAP admin­is­ters both Low Income Home Ener­gy Assis­tance Pro­gram (LIHEAP) and State Home Ener­gy Assis­tance Pro­gram (SHEAP) to pro­vide ener­gy assis­tance direct­ly to Klick­i­tat PUD on behalf of eli­gi­ble cus­tomers. WAGAP will process your appli­ca­tion for the pro­grams above in the order calls are received. They can be reached at 509–773-6834 or 509–493-2662.

LIHEAP and SHEAP are intend­ed to help low-income house­holds with their home ener­gy needs. LIHEAP appli­cants are required to choose between ener­gy assis­tance options includ­ing oil, nat­ur­al gas, propane or elec­tric. WAGAP has assis­tance avail­able for emer­gen­cies to avoid dis­con­nect, regard­less of income.

Low-Income Elderly Discounts

Klick­i­tat PUD offers mul­ti­ple low-income dis­counts to qual­i­fied low-income seniors, 62 years of age or old­er. Dis­counts range from $10 per month to the basic fee, depend­ing on annu­al house­hold income. This pro­gram runs from Decem­ber to May and is reviewed and approved annu­al­ly. To make an appoint­ment, con­tact Klick­i­tat Coun­ty Senior Ser­vices at 509–773-3757 or 509–493-3068.

Learn More About Low Income Home Ener­gy Assis­tance Pro­gram (LIHEAP):


Payment Arrangements

While cus­tomers are still oblig­at­ed to pay for elec­tric­i­ty they con­sume, KPUD will be as flex­i­ble and as rea­son­able as pos­si­ble with pay­ment arrange­ments to min­i­mize cus­tomer impact.  Pay­ment arrange­ments can be made direct­ly with cus­tomer ser­vice and will be han­dled case-by-case depend­ing on the account sta­tus and pay­ment arrange­ment his­to­ry. Con­tact KPUD cus­tomer ser­vice here or give them a call at 800–548-8357 or 800–548-8358.

Budget Payment Plan

The bud­get pay­ment plan aver­ages your month­ly bills so you pay the same amount each month.  It is rec­om­mend­ed you have a zero bal­ance and 1‑year of ser­vice at the loca­tion pri­or to estab­lish­ing a bud­get plan.  If you go off the bud­get plan, close your account or move to anoth­er address, the bal­ance becomes due imme­di­ate­ly. Con­tact KPUD cus­tomer ser­vice here or give them a call at 800–548-8357 or 800–548-8358.

Give back to your community

Operation Warm Heart

Two stick figures with a blue heart between them, surrounded by the words Operation Warm Heart in bold text.

Klick­i­tat PUD’s Oper­a­tion Warm Heart is a year-round pro­gram that is avail­able for qual­i­fied cus­tomers regard­less of income. Cus­tomer must demon­strate they are expe­ri­enc­ing a tem­po­rary finan­cial hard­ship based on fac­tors beyond their con­trol. Cus­tomers with long-term poor cred­it his­to­ry may not qual­i­fy. A con­sis­tent effort to make pay­ments is impor­tant. Cus­tomer must have 1‑year of ser­vice, pri­or to seek­ing assis­tance. Except in an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion, OWH funds are for 1‑time dis­tri­b­u­tion. Cus­tomer may be required to match pledge amount and pledge shall not exceed $500. Con­tact KPUD cus­tomer ser­vice at 800–548-8357 or 800–548-8358 to request and sub­mit an appli­ca­tion or con­tact us online.

If you want to give to those in need – con­sid­er Oper­a­tion Warm Heart. You can round up your bill or choose a dol­lar amount to give to those who need help pay­ing their bill. At your request, cus­tomer ser­vice can set it up for you. Call 800–548-8357 or 800–548-8358 or con­tact us online.