Outdoor Lighting

Two lineworkers in a cherry picker work on a streetlight.

Yard Lights & Street Lights

There are a few options for KPUD-installed outdoor/yard light­ing. The require­ments are that the lights can only be installed on a KPUD pole, must be installed pri­or to the meter, and you must sign a 10-year light­ing con­tract. If you have a loca­tion in mind that fits your needs and our require­ments, then please con­tact one of our Klick­i­tat PUD engi­neers and we will be hap­py to get the process start­ed for you.

Street light con­tracts are already in place in some cities. How­ev­er, if a city would like to look into the option of city-con­tract­ed street lights, please con­tact the KPUD Engi­neer­ing Depart­ment for details. Con­tracts vary by city and types of lights installed.


Applic­a­ble to ser­vice for street light­ing sys­tems, includ­ing street light­ing, sig­nal sys­tems and road­way and park light­ing for a term of not less than ten years.


The rates of this ser­vice con­sist of a flat dol­lar per month fig­ure.

Mer­cury Vapor Lights
350 W Light$25.88/mo.
Wide Lights
250 W Light$46.25/mo.
400 W Light$52.94/mo
High Pres­sure Sodi­um Lights
(rates based on actu­al O&M costs & usage)
100 W Light$14.87/mo.
200 W Light$24.64/mo.
400 W Light$41.27/mo.
1000 W Light$90.32/mo.
LED Lights
100 W LED/RU (YL equiv­a­lent)$18.97/mo.
100 W LED Street Light$20.24/mo.
200 W LED Street Light$28.55/mo.
LED Park­ing Lot (CH equiv­a­lent)$42.47/mo.
(rates reflect actu­al light per cus­tomer count)
Klick­i­tat Street Lights$3.27 per month per cus­tomer
Lyle Street Lights$2.85 per month per cus­tomer
Wishram Street Lights$4.57 per month per cus­tomer
Roo­sevelt Street Lights$0.93 per month per cus­tomer
Dalle­sport Street Lights$2.78 per month per cus­tomer
Glen­wood Street Lights$9.06 per month per light

Addi­tion­al Street Lights — Any addi­tion­al street lights request­ed will be billed at the stan­dard rate. The PUD will deter­mine the nec­es­sary improve­ments and install them as part of the basic rate. Any­thing extra (under­ground, steel or orna­men­tal stan­dards, or orna­men­tal lights) will be paid for as aid-in-con­struc­tion con­tri­bu­tion pri­or to instal­la­tion of the light. Glen­wood Induc­tion Lights are under a 20 year con­tract and future Glen­wood Street light addi­tion rates are to be deter­mined by engi­neer­ing.

Area Light­ing — When­ev­er a cus­tomer desires to have a light installed at his house or place of busi­ness the month­ly charge is to be paid by the cus­tomer direct­ly, the PUD will fur­nish and install the light fix­ture, asso­ci­at­ed equip­ment, and one (1) span of over­head street wire or pho­to cell.

Should a pole, relay, under­ground wire, trans­former or any addi­tion­al facil­i­ties be nec­es­sary, these facil­i­ties will be sup­plied and installed by the PUD at the expense of the cus­tomer who desires the light.

The cus­tomer will be required to sign a ten (10) year con­tract cov­er­ing the month­ly charge for the light. This month­ly charge will be in accor­dance with the PUD rate sched­ule that may be adjust­ed from time to time by action of the Board of Com­mis­sion­ers of the PUD.

The rates of this ser­vice con­sist of a flat dol­lar per month fig­ure.

Bin­gen and White Salmon Street Lights (TIB) — Installed as of 11/01/17

  • LED 50 Watt (100 W equiv­a­lent)        $ 9.51/month/ fix­ture
  • LED 85 Watt (200 W equiv­a­lent)        $10.79/month/ fix­ture

Bin­gen and White Salmon Street Lights (Non-TIB) — Installed after 11/01/17

  • LED 50 Watt (100 W equiv­a­lent)        $15.95/month/ fix­ture
  • LED 85 Watt (200 W equiv­a­lent)        $18.58/month/ fix­ture

Gold­en­dale Street Lights — Installed as of or after 11/01/17

  • LED 50 Watt (100 W equiv­a­lent)        $ 1.94/month/ fix­ture
  • LED 85 Watt (200 W equiv­a­lent)        $ 3.30/month/ fix­ture

City of Gold­en­dale will be billed direct­ly for all oper­at­ing, main­te­nance and replace­ment costs, plus applic­a­ble over­head and admin­is­tra­tion costs asso­ci­at­ed with these lights exist­ing in the future.

Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grants

Gold­en­dale, Bin­gen and White Salmon applied for and received grants focused on ener­gy sav­ings and cov­ered the costs of the new light­ing fix­tures includ­ing instal­la­tion. KPUD and City offi­cials eval­u­at­ed light­ing and instal­la­tion options, and select­ed com­mon fix­tures that are com­pli­ant with the lat­est dark-sky stan­dards for LED light­ing.

Effec­tive — The rates on this sched­ule are effec­tive on bills issued after Jan­u­ary 1, 2024.