Yard Lights & Street Lights
There are a few options for KPUD-installed outdoor/yard lighting. The requirements are that the lights can only be installed on a KPUD pole, must be installed prior to the meter, and you must sign a 10-year lighting contract. If you have a location in mind that fits your needs and our requirements, then please contact one of our Klickitat PUD engineers and we will be happy to get the process started for you.
Street light contracts are already in place in some cities. However, if a city would like to look into the option of city-contracted street lights, please contact the KPUD Engineering Department for details. Contracts vary by city and types of lights installed.
Applicable to service for street lighting systems, including street lighting, signal systems and roadway and park lighting for a term of not less than ten years.
The rates of this service consist of a flat dollar per month figure.
Additional Street Lights — Any additional street lights requested will be billed at the standard rate. The PUD will determine the necessary improvements and install them as part of the basic rate. Anything extra (underground, steel or ornamental standards, or ornamental lights) will be paid for as aid-in-construction contribution prior to installation of the light. Glenwood Induction Lights are under a 20 year contract and future Glenwood Street light addition rates are to be determined by engineering.
Area Lighting — Whenever a customer desires to have a light installed at his house or place of business the monthly charge is to be paid by the customer directly, the PUD will furnish and install the light fixture, associated equipment, and one (1) span of overhead street wire or photo cell.
Should a pole, relay, underground wire, transformer or any additional facilities be necessary, these facilities will be supplied and installed by the PUD at the expense of the customer who desires the light.
The customer will be required to sign a ten (10) year contract covering the monthly charge for the light. This monthly charge will be in accordance with the PUD rate schedule that may be adjusted from time to time by action of the Board of Commissioners of the PUD.
The rates of this service consist of a flat dollar per month figure.
Bingen and White Salmon Street Lights (TIB) — Installed as of 11/01/17
- LED 50 Watt (100 W equivalent) $ 9.51/month/ fixture
- LED 85 Watt (200 W equivalent) $10.79/month/ fixture
Bingen and White Salmon Street Lights (Non-TIB) — Installed after 11/01/17
- LED 50 Watt (100 W equivalent) $15.95/month/ fixture
- LED 85 Watt (200 W equivalent) $18.58/month/ fixture
Goldendale Street Lights — Installed as of or after 11/01/17
- LED 50 Watt (100 W equivalent) $ 1.94/month/ fixture
- LED 85 Watt (200 W equivalent) $ 3.30/month/ fixture
City of Goldendale will be billed directly for all operating, maintenance and replacement costs, plus applicable overhead and administration costs associated with these lights existing in the future.
Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grants
Goldendale, Bingen and White Salmon applied for and received grants focused on energy savings and covered the costs of the new lighting fixtures including installation. KPUD and City officials evaluated lighting and installation options, and selected common fixtures that are compliant with the latest dark-sky standards for LED lighting.
Effective — The rates on this schedule are effective on bills issued after January 1, 2024.