Clean Drinking Water

A silver drinking fountain with flowing water is set against a backdrop of lush green bushes, creating a refreshing outdoor scene.In 1996, Con­gress amend­ed the Safe Drink­ing Water Act.  It added a pro­vi­sion requir­ing that all com­mu­ni­ty water sys­tems deliv­er to their cus­tomers a brief annu­al water qual­i­ty report. Con­sumer Con­fi­dence Reports sum­ma­rize infor­ma­tion that the water sys­tem col­lects to com­ply with reg­u­la­tions. Klick­i­tat PUD sends this infor­ma­tion to its cus­tomers on a year­ly basis.

Down­load PDFs of any (or all) Con­sumer Con­fi­dence Reports (CCR), also called Water Qual­i­ty Reports, below:

Safe Drink­ing Water is Important…How can I get involved?

If you notice any sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty relat­ed to the water sys­tem (i.e. tankers parked at fire hydrants, non-PUD vehi­cles or per­son­nel work­ing on pub­lic water ser­vices, etc.), please report it to Klick­i­tat PUD, the Police Depart­ment or the Sheriff’s Depart­ment imme­di­ate­ly. The fol­low­ing are con­tact num­bers to call to report sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty, or if you have con­cerns regard­ing your water:

Water/Wastewater Depart­ment (509) 773‑7623

Klick­i­tat PUD Cus­tomer Ser­vice (509) 773‑5891 or (800) 548‑8357