In honor of Drinking Water Week the first full week of each May, Klickitat PUD reminds its water customers to exercise their blue thumbs.
Access to safe drinking water is an extremely important 20th-century public health achievement, and it’s easy to forget how often we turn on our faucets each day with the expectation of clean water being dispensed.
During Drinking Water Week every May – and the rest of the year – we hope customers will consider where their water comes from and take steps to conserve it.
How to Save Water
Check for leaks and fix them when you find them.
Wash dishes in a sink of water instead of running a faucet.
Water your lawn and outdoor plants early in the day.
Turn off the tap while shaving or brushing teeth.
Use a dishwasher and be sure it’s fully loaded.
Use an irrigation system rather than a garden hose.
Take fairly short showers instead of baths.
Refrigerate drinking water to avoid running faucets.
Wash your car with a bucket, not a hose.
Wash full loads of clothing in cold water.
Compost instead of using a garbage disposal and water.
Sweep driveways and patios instead of hosting them off.
Water Use Efficiency Goals for Each KPUD System
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