Prepare for Warm Weather

Spring Cleaning Conservation Tips

KPUD encour­ages adding ener­gy-sav­ing and safe­ty tasks to your spring clean­ing list.

Service HVAC & Change Filters

Clean Out Dryer Vents

Vacuum Refrigerator Coils

Clean Heating Ducts

Clean Gutters

A man installing exterior window thermal inserts.

Reset Programmable Thermostats

Check Smoke Detector Batteries

Keep KPUD Meter Accessible

Seal HVAC Ducts

Clean Window Tracts

Inter­est­ed in cre­at­ing a more effi­cient home beyond these sim­ple tips? There are rebates avail­able for upgrad­ing heat­ing and cool­ing sys­tems, using smart ther­mostats, weath­er­iz­ing with new win­dows and exte­ri­or doors, and much more.