Summer to Fall Energy Transition
It seems fall and winter always come just a little too soon, and we’re forced to say ‘goodbye’ to our shorts, t‑shirts, and long days in the sun. As you transition your closet from summer clothes to much warmer layers, it’s important to prepare your home to save energy, as well.
If you haven’t already, spend time thinking about the impact cooler temps and colder precipitation have on your home: heavy, wet snow on your roof, harsh winds sweeping across your home’s siding, and sharp, crisp frost covering your home’s windows. It’s a big seasonal change, and it can have a significant impact on your energy bill.
Here are some of our favorite energy-saving tips as the leaves (and the temperatures) fall:

While “any season is a good season to seal up the windows,” fall and winter take priority. Harsh winds and temperature dips can pull the warmth out and push the cold air in. The best part? You can do it from inside the house!
Just like you, your heating system and water heater need a routine checkup to ensure everything is running at maximum efficiency. If not, you may be putting yourself at risk for inefficient energy usage, home fire, or other unwanted disasters.
It’s a good idea to replace air filters on a seasonal basis, as they can get dirty and spike your energy usage. Breathe easier (and cleaner) with a new filter.
(Well, not too much) Make the most out of our planet’s natural source of heat: the sun. Open your blinds, drapes, and/or curtains and let the sunshine pour in and close them when it isn’t. Harnessing the heat from the sun may help decrease the amount of energy needed to warm your home. Also, consider replacing leaking windows.
Lowering your home’s thermostat is a super quick and easy way to save energy. Consider keeping temps lower in the evenings while you’re asleep, as well as when no one is home. Also, installing smart thermostats is a great energy-saving option.
It’s easy to look at the obvious culprits when auditing your home’s energy use (e.g. windows, doors, and thermostat). But what about what’s behind the walls? In the attic? In addition to sealing up the windows, check to see if your home’s walls, ceilings, and floors could use a boost too.
For homes with cozy fireplaces, remember this can be a culprit of increased energy costs. Be sure to do a thorough cleaning and check to see if any heat is escaping.
Ceiling fans can be used strategically to achieve better airflow: counter-clockwise will push hot air up in the summer and clockwise will trap heat inside to keep your rooms warmer during cooler months. Turn your ceiling fan on a low setting to gently push hot air back down.
Bonus tip: Since fans cool people — not rooms — turning off ceiling fans when you’re out of the room will save money without any loss of comfort.
Fall to Winter Energy Transition
Brrr. A cold snap can challenge even the most hard-working home heating system. And the older, and more poorly-insulated and air-sealed your home is, the harder it is to keep up with the cold weather.
The solution? For year round comfort, you can’t beat home weatherization. Weatherization can make your home snug and comfortable and cut your heating costs by up to 25 percent, or around $150 dollars a year.
Even if you can’t weatherize, you can cut down on home heating costs with these simple tips:
Get your family together and agree to set the thermostat at a level that is comfortable.
Then, leave the thermostat alone! Constantly nudging it up and down ends up costing you money.
Assign one person in the family to be responsible for turning down the thermostat at night. (Unless you have an “intelligent” thermostat, this doesn’t apply to heat pumps. They are more efficient if they are set at one setting and left there, year round.)
If everyone is leaving the house for more than one hour, turn the thermostat down to 55 degrees F.
When it’s time to warm the house up, set the thermostat to your lowest comfort setting. Setting it higher won’t heat the house any faster, and it will likely cost you extra in wasted energy.
Let the heat flow freely. Move furniture and throw rugs away from floor registers or baseboard heaters. Be careful not to block baseboard or wall heaters with drapes.
Check your furnace filter every month during heating season and replace the filter when it is coated with dust.
Vacuum the dust off the heating fins on baseboard heaters once a month.
Check the duct work at each floor register. If debris or dirt have fallen in, vacuum the ducts out.
When the sun is shining, open the drapes to let the sunshine warm the room. When the sun isn’t shining, shut the drapes to trap the heat inside.

Interested in creating a more efficient home beyond these simple tips? There are rebates available for upgrading heating and cooling systems, using smart thermostats, weatherizing with new windows and exterior doors, and much more.