Conservation Loans

Residential Conservation Loan Program

In con­junc­tion to ener­gy effi­ca­cy rebates for mak­ing improve­ments to exist­ing homes and man­u­fac­tured homes that are elec­tri­cal­ly heat­ed, KPUD also offers a Res­i­den­tial Con­ser­va­tion Loan Pro­gram to finance these projects.

Some of the con­ser­va­tion projects that qual­i­fy are heat­ing and cool­ing (duct­ed and duct­less heat pumps), win­dows, and oth­er weath­er­iza­tion mea­sures.

The loan fea­tures an inter­est rate at 4.9 per­cent on loan amounts between $500 and $10,000 for up to 7 years. The loan is secured through a secu­ri­ty inter­est (lien) on the project prop­er­ty and loans are sub­ject to cred­it approval.

For more loan terms and infor­ma­tion call us at 509–773-5891 or 800–548-8357.

Res­i­den­tial Con­ser­va­tion Loan Appli­ca­tion [PDF]