Clean Energy Plan

The graphic depicts environmental goals: 2025 no coal, 2030 GHG neutral, 2045 100% clean energy.

In 2019, Wash­ing­ton State adopt­ed the Clean Ener­gy Trans­for­ma­tion Act (CETA) into law, which com­mits Wash­ing­ton to an elec­tric sup­ply free of green­house gas emis­sions by 2045.

The plan is a tiered approach where each util­i­ty must pre­pare and pub­lish a Clean Ener­gy Imple­men­ta­tion Plan with its own tar­gets for effi­cien­cy and renew­able ener­gy.

KPUD’s port­fo­lio includes the mile­stones of sup­ply­ing coal-free elec­tric­i­ty by 2025, car­bon-neu­tral by 2030, and car­bon-free by 2045.

Klick­i­tat PUD’s first mile­stone is to report our cur­rent port­fo­lio that already meets the 2025 and 2030 tar­gets and will con­tin­ue to devel­op a path for­ward for addi­tion­al clean ener­gy options, pro­grams and invest­ments. The four-year plan iden­ti­fy­ing these tar­gets and actions has been sub­mit­ted.

Read on for more about the Clean Ener­gy Imple­men­ta­tion Plan, includ­ing the option to down­load the com­plete plan PDF.

Clean Energy Implementation Plan

The Clean Ener­gy Imple­men­ta­tion Plan (CEIP) is a four-year plan intend­ed to iden­ti­fy our plans to meet CETA ener­gy stan­dards.

KPUD has devel­oped and sub­mit­ted the first four-year report due Jan­u­ary 2022 and then every four years there­after.

The CEIP includes:

  • Inter­im tar­gets for the per­cent­age of retail load to be served using renew­able and non-emit­ting resources dur­ing 2022–2025
  • Spe­cif­ic tar­gets and actions for ener­gy effi­cien­cy, demand response and renew­able ener­gy for 2022–2025
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of high­ly impact­ed com­mu­ni­ties and vul­ner­a­ble pop­u­la­tions and descrip­tions of how KPUD intends to reduce risk for them with the tran­si­tion to clean ener­gy
  • Report of the fore­cast­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion of ener­gy and non-ener­gy costs and ben­e­fits for KPUD’s port­fo­lio of spe­cif­ic actions

Clean Ener­gy Imple­men­ta­tion Plan (Adopt­ed 12/2021) [PDF]

Power Supply

KPUD 2024 Power Supply Fast Facts:

  • Rough­ly 92% of our 2024 pow­er sup­ply was from car­bon free resources includ­ing hydro, wind and nuclear pow­er.
  • The remain­ing 8% of our pow­er was from unspec­i­fied bal­anc­ing pur­chas­es made by BPA that like­ly include car­bon free resources.
  • Of our over­all 2024 pow­er sup­ply 92% was sup­plied by BPA and 8% was sup­plied by KPUD’s share of out­put from spe­cif­ic hydro projects.

Additional Power Supply Information:

As you can see from the charts below, the vast major­i­ty of our 2024 pow­er sup­ply needs were met by the Bon­neville Pow­er Admin­is­tra­tion (BPA). BPA pro­vides us with a steady and pre­dictable pow­er sup­ply that serves the major­i­ty of our base pow­er needs. Our pri­ma­ry share of the BPA sys­tem is large­ly fixed for the dura­tion of our BPA con­tract but can slight­ly adjust every two years. Read more about it at the BPA’s web­site.

Future Power Supply:

Effec­tive 10/1/2023 KPUD start­ed tak­ing the BPA Tier 2 prod­uct for our pow­er sup­ply not met by BPA Tier 1 or our share of McNary and Pack­wood hydro projects. The BPA Tier 2 prod­uct is cur­rent­ly allo­cat­ed the same low-car­bon fuel mix as their Tier 1 offer­ing.

KPUD is well posi­tioned to meet the require­ments estab­lished in the Clean Ener­gy Trans­for­ma­tion Act (CETA) passed in 2019. This requires that KPUD uti­lizes a car­bon-neu­tral pow­er sup­ply between 2030 and 2044 while lat­er achiev­ing a car­bon free pow­er sup­ply start­ing in 2045. Plan­ning is under­way to ensure we are able to con­tin­ue offer­ing save, reli­able, and cost-effec­tive util­i­ty ser­vices to our local com­mu­ni­ties giv­en the require­ments of CETA.

2024 Fuel Mix pie chart showing energy sources: Hydro (80%), Nuclear (10%), Wind (0.4%), Other (9%), from BPA and Packwood/McNary.
The pie chart shows 2024 power supply: 92% from BPA, 8% from McNary/Packwood (Hydro).

2024 Fuel Mix — 80% hydro (from BPA or Packwood/McNary), 10% nuclear, .4% wind, and 9% oth­er (all from BPA)
2024 Pow­er Sup­ply — 92% hydro (from BPA), 8% hydro (from McNary/Packwood)