Klickitat PUD Overview

Commissioners & Leadership

Pub­lic Util­i­ty Dis­trict No. 1 of Klick­i­tat Coun­ty is gov­erned by a three-mem­ber Board of Com­mis­sion­ers elect­ed by the cit­i­zens of Klick­i­tat Coun­ty. Each com­mis­sion­er rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ent dis­trict of the coun­ty and serves a six-year term. The com­mis­sion­ers also rep­re­sent Klick­i­tat PUD as del­e­gates to var­i­ous busi­ness orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing the Wash­ing­ton PUD Asso­ci­a­tion and North­west Pub­lic Pow­er Asso­ci­a­tion. The com­mis­sion terms are stag­gered so that a dif­fer­ent com­mis­sion­er runs for re-elec­tion every two years.

Com­mis­sion meet­ings are reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled to start at 2:00pm on the sec­ond and fourth Tues­day of each month in the Klick­i­tat PUD Board Room at 1313 S. Colum­bus Avenue, Gold­en­dale, WA. Spe­cial meet­ings and work­shops are called by the Com­mis­sion as the need aris­es, and are adver­tised in the local news­pa­pers under Legal Notices.

Agen­das for upcom­ing meet­ings are post­ed on our web­site the Fri­day before each meet­ing. Min­utes of the Com­mis­sion Meet­ings are also avail­able on our web­site once they are approved by the Com­mis­sion.

Mr. Gunkel's headshot.

Dan G. Gunkel, President of the Board

Dan Gunkel was first elect­ed as a Klick­i­tat PUD Com­mis­sion­er in Decem­ber 1990, was re-elect­ed in Novem­ber 2020, and began serv­ing his sixth six-year term on the Board in Jan­u­ary 2021. He was appoint­ed to Ener­gy Northwest’s Board of Direc­tors in 1991 and elect­ed to their Exec­u­tive Board in June 1994, serv­ing as Vice Chair­man from 2003 to 2006. Dan was also appoint­ed chair­man of Ener­gy North­west­’s Oper­a­tions, Con­struc­tion, and Safe­ty Com­mit­tee in June 2006. He is a life­long res­i­dent of Klick­i­tat Coun­ty. Fol­low­ing in his par­ents’ foot­steps, Dan is a co-own­er of Gunkel Orchards. Term expi­ra­tion — Decem­ber 2026, Dis­trict 3

Mr. Miller's headshot.

Douglas B. Miller, Vice President of the Board

Doug Miller was elect­ed as a Klick­i­tat PUD Com­mis­sion­er in Decem­ber 2016, was re-elect­ed in Novem­ber 2022, and began serv­ing his sec­ond six-year term Jan­u­ary 2023. A long­time res­i­dent of the coun­ty, he is return­ing to the place where he was employed for over 30 years to con­tin­ue fos­ter­ing the ide­ol­o­gy of pub­lic ser­vice. Before retir­ing, Doug was the Project Man­ag­er of the PUD’s water-waste­water depart­ment and uses that knowl­edge in his new role. As an elect­ed PUD Com­mis­sion­er, Doug is fol­low­ing in his grand­fa­ther’s foot­steps, who was also a Klick­i­tat PUD Com­mis­sion­er. He is an active par­tic­i­pant in the fam­i­ly farm, along with oth­er com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice orga­ni­za­tions. Term expi­ra­tion — Decem­ber 2028, Dis­trict 2

Mr. Bell in a black leather jacket outdoors relaxed and smiling.

Stoner Bell, Secretary of the Board

Ston­er Bell was elect­ed as a Klick­i­tat PUD Com­mis­sion­ers in Novem­ber 2024. He has resided in White Salmon since 1994, which is the year he and his broth­er co-found­ed Bell Design Com­pa­ny.  Ston­er is a licensed civ­il engi­neer with over 35 years of expe­ri­ence.  His fir­m’s focus was on civ­il and struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing and land sur­vey­ing in Wash­ing­ton and Ore­gon. Through his firm, he worked on projects like water sys­tems for White Salmon and Bin­gen; stormwa­ter man­age­ment, and fish recov­ery at The Dalles Dam. Ston­er is a prob­lem solver.  He is engaged in pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tions and involved in var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ty groups.  Term expi­ra­tion–  Decem­ber 2030, Dis­trict 1

District Maps

PUD Districts Map [PDF]

District 1 Map [PDF]

District 2 Map [PDF]

District 3 Map [PDF]

Commission Documents & Reports

Our exten­sive archive con­tains PDF down­loads of meet­ing agen­das and min­utes, gen­er­al man­ag­er reports, and finan­cial reports.

Community Involvement

Nine KPUD staffers in work attire and hard hats stand outdoors in front of orange safety fencing and power lines.