While these may be the questions that come up most often, they are by no means the only customer queries. If you would like more information on any topics not covered here – or not covered in enough detail – please contact us right away for answers. We’re here to help!
Our one-stop contact form will get you to the right person every time. You can also call the Goldendale Office at (509) 773‑5891 or (800) 548- 8357, or the White Salmon Office at (509) 493‑2255 or (800) 548‑8358.
For most of our customers your electric rate will not change during the year. If you are a commercial customer who is billed under Large General Service or a Time of Use Irrigator, you will notice different rates, depending on the time of the year. Our current electric rates can be found here.
Yes, we have rebate programs for a wide variety of heating and weatherization options. If you would like additional information please contact us about rebates online or call (509) 773‑7622.
Yes, there are several programs in the local area that may be able to offer assistance when needed. We seek to stay informed of these programs and can provide you with a list of options. Two of the more common programs used by our customers include:
- Klickitat PUD offers multiple low-income discounts to qualified low income seniors, 62 years of ago or older. Discounts range from $10 per month to the basic fee ($23.83 + 15% usage), depending on annual household income. This program runs from December to May and is reviewed and approved annually. To set up an appointment, contact Klickitat County Senior Services directly at (509) 773‑3757.
- All customers are welcome to apply for the budget payment plan. Klickitat PUD averages your annual use to help you better budget your monthly income.
KPUD collects its revenues for electric energy delivered to residential customers in two forms: the energy charge and the basic fee. The energy charge is based upon the amount of energy used. The basic fee is charged because KPUD is required to maintain the line, maintain meters, pay for operating costs, and make energy available to customers no matter how much or how little they use. This is similar to a fixed cost in another business. It is this component of our cost that is being partially recovered by the basic fee. Another portion of these costs is included in the energy component of our current rates.
By law, if the PUD provides electric service to you, the utility then has the right to enter your property to read and/or maintain its metering equipment without your permission. You are responsible for providing clear unobstructed access to PUD equipment for the installation, maintenance and removal of its property.
Even if your home may appear identical to your neighbors, houses often vary in terms of insulation values, heating and cooling needs, the condition of the home and appliances, insulation levels and the temperature settings of the heat and water heater. Your bill reflects the amount of electricity you use and represent the unique needs of your family.
Klickitat PUD finished a system wide meter update to AMI metering, which improved metering efficiency. We encourage customers to enroll in SmartHub to manager their account. This includes tracking usage and signing up for account notifications. SmartHub online payment system is available to customers 24/7, providing access to your account information at the times that are most convenient for you. If you would like your meter tested, we do charge a $30 fee if the meter tests within standard parameters.
Electric service will be restored when the cause for the disconnect has been removed and when payment of all appropriate charges, including any deposit due from you, has been made.
There are fees to turn electrical service back on if it was disconnected due to non-payment:
• $30 for standard meter re-connections during normal service hours (8 a.m. — 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays), $40 for non-standard re-connections during normal service hours.
• $70 for standard meter re-connections outside of normal service hours (4:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays), $80 for non-standard re-connections.
• The fee for re-connections made from 9:00 p.m. — 8 a.m. is $200.