February — Operation Warm Heart Promotion

Spread the LOVE, Donate to Oper­a­tion Warm Heart!

The month of Feb­ru­ary, KPUD is pro­mot­ing our in-house ener­gy assis­tance pro­gram. Con­sid­er enrolling in “round up” for your month­ly bill or mak­ing a lump sum dona­tion (one-time or reoc­cur­ring) to con­tribute.

Oper­a­tion Warm Heart pro­vid­ed $19,000 in assis­tance to KPUD cus­tomers last year thanks to gen­er­ous cus­tomers that donate to pro­vide this emer­gency assis­tance.

100% of cus­tomer dona­tions go to cus­tomers need­ing tem­po­rary assis­tance to get through a rough patch. Give us a call today at 509–773-5891 or 509–493-2255, con­tact us online, or enroll using SmartHub.

Enrolling through SmartHub is as easy as 1- 2- 3! See the steps below.

Step 1: Log into SmartHub, go into “Bill & Pay,” then click on “Oper­a­tion Warm Heart & Round Up.”

Step 2: Click “Enroll” and your sta­tus will update to reflect your selec­tion.

Step 3: Check the box to accept the terms & con­di­tions. Then select whichev­er option you choose and click “Con­firm” to save the changes.

Options include:

  • Round your month­ly bill to the near­est dol­lar.
  • Apply a fixed amount to each month­ly bill.
  • Make a one-time dona­tion.

Instructions for enrolling in OWH Round-Up via SmartHub, detailing steps to log in, enroll, and confirm donation options