Cold Weather Impacts Electric Bill

Why did my usage increase? I didn’t touch my ther­mo­stat.

Impacts vary based on pri­ma­ry heat­ing source, house size, type and age, as well as ener­gy effi­cien­cy mea­sures uti­lized.

  • Heat Loss fac­tor Increas­es as Tem­per­a­tures Drop. It takes more ener­gy to main­tain a house at 70 degrees when the aver­age tem­per­a­ture is 34 degrees out­side; it takes even more ener­gy if tem­per­a­tures are cold­er than that. Espe­cial­ly when heat is lost at a high­er rate through insu­la­tion, doors, win­dows and etc.
  • Heat Pump Effi­cien­cy Decreas­es with Low Tem­per­a­tures. At around 30 degrees, heat pumps reach a bal­ance point and are sup­ple­ment­ed by aux­il­iary heat, which increas­es ener­gy usage.
  • Addi­tion­al Heaters Used. Dur­ing cold spells it is com­mon to put a portable heater in the well house or in the bath­room to pre­vent frozen pipes, or install a stock tank heater to avoid frozen water troughs.

Klick­i­tat PUD has FREE weath­er­iza­tion kits avail­able to help reduce heat loss. Swing by an office to pick one up.